Port Richey Real Estate Attorney Talks Florida Foreclosures
As Florida was the leader in foreclosures in 2012, according to Forbes article found at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/
One major change in the judicial system in the 6th Circuit (Pasco and Pinellas Counties) is the requirement to now “opt in” to mediation. The old rule was that every foreclosure case dealing with homestead property was required to go through mediation UNLESS the homeowner either did not respond to Mediation Managers, Inc. or “opted out” of mediation on their own.
Now, the rule has changed. As of any foreclosure filed subsequent to July 1, 2013, homeowners are now required to “opt in” to mediation. Homeowners will need to file paperwork with the court requesting to participate in mediation. Best advice is to READ, READ, READ the paperwork that you are served with regarding the lawsuit and consult with an attorney over your options.
There are important deadlines that are at hand and if you do not respond, you could waive certain rights such as the ability to participate in mediation with your lender.
Author: Kris Hudson – Booth & Cook, P.A
Topic: Florid Foreclosures – Port Richey Real Estate Attorney